Thanks again for your wonderful work on my home purchase. I cannot imagine it going better than it did! As a single woman and first time home buyer in a foreign country, I wanted a strong advocate to protect my interests. I found precisely that, and so much more, in Stephania. Practically speaking, a good mortgage advisor should give you the big picture, show you each step in the process where liability attaches, and inform you of all the different options available to tailor the experience to your specific scenario. Stephania provides that, while also bringing a keen sensitivity and sophistication to international clients, all for a reasonable price. She will never sell you anything you do not need. I always felt in control and well informed. She made home visits when necessary, and never made me wait long for a reply to my inquiries. When I was unavailable, Stephania was there, replying to emails from the notary. She made sure there were zero surprises at the closing, which was a rather pleasurable experience. She was tireless in ensuring that I had the feeling that every new home owner deserves to have - ecstatic jubilation in their new home. In short, I cannot recommend Stephania highly enough.

- KE Chilton

As Expats moving from the US, we chose to rent our first year here. We wanted to buy a home in Wassenaar, but had no idea where to even start. The process is so different in Netherlands and we were completely overwhelmed. The absolute best decision we made was setting up an initial financial meeting with Stephania. She clearly laid out a step by step process, and stood by us every step of the way. She even came in person to support us through the final closing of the home. We could never have gotten the keys to our dream Dutch home without her!!

- JH Hartzell

My husband and I are expats from America and when we decided to purchase our first home here in the NL, we hoped to find a mortgage advisor who could help us navigate a completely new system. Stephania exceeded all of our expectations and was such a joy to work with. She was attentive, knowledgable, communicative, and kind. She went above and beyond for us in order to secure a mortgage, which is easier said than done in this market. I cannot recommend Stephania enough for anyone who is searching for someone trustworthy, honest and experienced.

- Simone Chartrand

Wij zijn Stephania enorm dankbaar voor haar advies, hulp en professionaliteit. Het kopen van ons eerste huis was een spannende stap, vooral omdat alles nieuw was. Wij zochten iemand die ons stapsgewijs door het volledige proces kon begeleiden. En dit is zeker gelukt! Stephania is een rustig persoon die ons van A tot Z heeft meegenomen en al onze vragen heeft beantwoord en geloof me dat waren er veel. Door haar geduld en kennis voelde wij ons erg op ons gemak en verliep het gehele koopproces soepel. Naast dat Stephania een prettig persoon is in de omgang, was ze ook enorm betrokken. Wij hebben meerdere huizen bekeken met diverse mogelijkheden. Bij elk huis was Stephania betrokken om alle mogelijkheden te bespreken en wat onze opties waren. Wij zijn Stephania enorm dankbaar en kijken terug naar een mooie en prettige tijd. Wij zullen haar ook van harte aanbevelen want een financieel adviseur die zo met je meedenkt is naar ons idee zeldzaam.

- Joyce van Brecht

Zonder Stephania Finance was het niet gelukt

Wij zijn enorm onder de indruk van de kunde, betrokkenheid en de positiviteit van Stephania. Ze hielp ons om tot een passende hypotheek te komen en haar fijne, rustige en betrokken persoonlijkheid zorgde ervoor dat we deze periode met vertrouwen zijn ingegaan en een overwegend gerust gevoel hebben ervaren. Daarbij wist zij het hele proces helder uit te leggen, waardoor wij niet voor verrassingen zijn komen te staan.
Onze situatie was onconventioneel en gecompliceerd, waardoor wij zeer waarschijnlijk bij andere hypotheekadviseurs minder succes hadden gehad. Naar ons idee was Stephania hierin juist in haar element. We waren onder de indruk hoe zij ervoor zorgde dat ze onze wensen en onze situatie echt goed kende, zodat ze niets over het hoofd zag. Haar ervaring in het vak was voor ons vanaf het begin duidelijk. Ze betrok de bank in stappen bij het proces om samen te zoeken naar waar voor ons de mogelijkheden zitten. Ze wist hiermee zowel de bank te overtuigen, als voor ons op te komen. Ook wanneer het moeilijk werd.

Stephania ging naar ons idee echt tot het uiterste. Wij hebben sterk het vermoeden dat zonder haar het droomhuis waar we nu in wonen er niet was gekomen. Wij zijn ongelofelijk blij dat we het zo getroffen hebben met Stephania, en we willen haar met een warm hart aanbevelen.

- Tobias & Yukiko

Stephania navigeerde mij moeiteloos door de wirwar van Nederlandse regels, die er zijn als je geen doorsnee hypotheek aanvraag hebt. Mijn raadsvergoeding in combinatie met vast salaris was voor menig hypotheek verstrekker moeilijk te begrijpen. Stephania gaf echter niet op en zorgde dat alles vlug en helder geregeld werd en maakte van de aankoop van mijn appartement een prettige ervaring. Stephania navigated me effortlessly through the maze of Dutch rules, which exciste if you don't have an average mortgage application. My council fee in combination with a fixed salary was difficult for many mortgage lenders to understand. However, Stephania did not give up and ensured that everything was arranged quickly and clearly and made the purchase of my apartment a success.

- N. van Weers

Thank you for all your help in helping us buy our first home. Very friendly and it was nice that you could come for the signing of the notary. We recommend Stephania and her expertise.

- A. Tran

With a friendly and professional attitude, Stephanie took us through the process of mortgage, helped us to evaluate the situation, and was able to advise us impartially as to what would be in our best interests, not necessarily her own. It is not every adviser who, taking a step back from the wish to sell their own services, is able to show such honesty, clarity, and commitment to the client as she did. We would like to recommend her to everyone who needs a financial adviser.

- J. Hewitt

I can not recommend Stephania highly enough both as a professional and as a person. She takes time to understand your unique circumstances and gets back to you very quickly. Thanks to her extensive knowledge mortgage experience gained in reputable companies, she is able to provide clear and comprehensive responses without using financial jargon and in perfect English. Her aspiration to meet her client expectations is second to none.

- Norbert Seguin

While visiting friends that bought a new house and talking about mortgage percentage rates they talked me over to let a professional advisor check my financial situation. As they had really great experience with Stephania they recommended her to me. I’m so happy they did! Stephania guided me and helped me find the best mortgage. Se is very thorough explaining every detail, answering every question and supporting me with the whole process. Thank you so much! Will surely recommend her to anyone looking advice on mortgages.

- Andres

Very happy with Stephania! She is super professional and quite hardworking financial advisor. She guided us and helped us with various aspects of the process of buying our new home. She went many extra steps and helped us with challenges that were not her responsibility. She visited us many times to provide clear communication of most important steps. We also had some tension moments because of us being stressed with the process. She always acted with professionalism and this was appreciated. We successfully completed the process and we only have the best to say for Stephania. Definitely introducing her to anyone looking for mortgage advice and help.

- Dimitris and Andie

I was guided like a responsible consultant would do to his/her clinet. Quick response and super explanation skills. From selecting mortgage type till mortgage providers, Stephania left no stone unturned and made things happen as per my expectations. If stephania finance would be publicly listed, I will be more than elated to purchase stocks in them. Stephania also has experience, other tips and is very organized. She was always prepared and always provided best response to my questions. I can vouch for her service without any hesitation.

- Nitesh

We are pretty new in the Netherlands, and thus we have a limited financial history in the country. It doesn't help that I am an entrepreneur, making the mortgage application a bit more challenging. Stephania came as a savior, turning an almost impossible task possible. Thanks to her, I am writing this testimonial from our new house in Schiedam. I will highly recommend her services. She is very thorough, communicative, and super patient with all sorts of questions for first-time home buyers.

- Maheep Gupta

Stephania was a great help and support for me during process of buying a house here in the Hauge. She made the process east and enjoyable as well as sharing all the knowledge and tips with me. Besides that she was just really nice and supportive person which makes whole buying process just easy. Everything went quick and smooth due to great approach! I truly recommend Stephania as a Financial Advisor. Great job and many times thank you!!!

- Kaja Becker